Well, the site has been redesigned again and every time that happens it makes me want to start posting things again. Now that the word "Flash" has been removed, and they are open to more types of movies or games, I may submit some of my recent music videos, as well as some new songs that I've got coming out soon. I got this account when I was 11 and it's got some pretty funny, and some pretty crappy stuff on it. I'd like to think I've improved a bit since then, but I guess that's up to you lot. I'll hopefully upload some stuff soon- just gotta figure out how to convert .mov files to .swf! boom boom boom, I'll see y'all soon~
EDIT: haha, I just read back to my first "post" and saw that it was also titled "Wow", and was also about how the redesign made me want to post more.
If you don't manage to convert your mov. files into swfs, you can always import the videos into flash.
Makes their quality a bit meh, though.